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Disability Poverty Campaign Group (DPCG) is a new coalition led by Disability Rights UK and Inclusion London.

The group is made up of Disabled People’s Organisations from across the country, national charities and allies, such as The Food Foundation, the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and The Trussell Trust. The purpose of the group is to respond to increasing poverty in the Disabled community around food, fuel and benefits as the cost of living spirals.

The DPCG has highlighted three immediate areas of concern to take action on. 

These are:

  • To push for an increase in all benefits in line with inflation
  • To seek targeted support for Disabled people’s energy costs
  • To seek fairer charging for social care.

For more information email [email protected]

People First (Self Advocacy) is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1057354 and company number 03134827 at 336 Brixton Road, London SW9 7AA.
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